You are not alone.
Sometimes, you may feel completely alone and maybe even misunderstood by your family and friends during your cancer experience. When it happens, it can feel unsettling and isolating, but it is understandable. For those days when it seems like the people who care for you and love you just “don’t get it”, we can help connect you with someone who has been through a similar cancer diagnosis who does.
“The program helped me hear other survivors’ stories and it also helped me regain the hope and faith that was lost earlier in my treatment."
PH+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia
PH+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia
How First Connection works
When you sign up for First Connection, you will be matched with a trained volunteer (peer) who has firsthand experience with a blood cancer. Your match can be determined by age, type of diagnosis, gender (if requested) or the issue that is most concerning to you. Anyone with a blood cancer can connect with a peer who’s been there.
A First Connection volunteer is a blood cancer survivor. As a peer, they are trained to listen and offer a deep level of understanding and insight by sharing their own experience. Talking to a peer can reassure you about what’s ahead.
There is no charge to participate in this program.
Register to speak with a peer
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