Finding a new normal

When cancer ends, your life after cancer begins. Your perspective on life, your role in society and your feelings about yourself and others may be different now than before your cancer experience. You could say that having been through cancer is a life-changing experience.

When we spoke to hundreds of blood cancer survivors across Canada, most of them shared their struggle in figuring out a new meaning to their life after cancer. If you are struggling to regain a sense of normalcy in your life, you are not alone.

You are not alone

We can help you adjust to your new normal and embrace the new you.

Stories of Canadians affected by a blood cancer

A painting of Samantha
Samantha Redsky
I was diagnosed with a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma at the age of 23. Needless to say, it was a surreal experience.

Calgary AB

Finding a new normal

Tips to help friends and family understand the new you

Tips for talking to your healthcare team

Your Life After Cancer Committee

We are thankful to the following eight cancer survivors for their enormous contribution in the development of the information and resources on survivorship presented on our website.

Haley - Halifax

Haley Zora

Haley lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia after moving there with her husband, Fabian, from Regina, Saskatchewan. Haley was motivated to join the Advisory Committee to help other people such as herself who didn’t always fit the “cancer patient” mold and could use some more representation.

Jeannette Castillo

Jeannette was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) with a Ph+ chromosome subtype and treated in Calgary, AB. Jeannette joined the Your Life After Cancer Advisory Committee to make a positive impact for people who are newly diagnosed and families touched by a blood cancer.
Jeannette - Calgary
Mayra - Montreal

Mayra Husic

Mayra Husic was diagnosed with stage IV Follicular Lymphoma back in 2011 and currently resides in the suburbs of Montreal. She wanted to join the Advisory Committee given she felt there wasn’t any support available for patients who were managing various side effects, mental and physical after their cancer experience.

Luc Berneche

Luc is a caregiver to his wife, who lives with small cell lymphocytic leukemia, a chronic leukemia similar to CLL. Luc joined the Your Life After Cancer Advisory Committee to share his experience with others, he hopes to help others who care for a person with a blood cancer.
Luc - Calgary


Keith was diagnosed with myeloma in 2012. He joined the Your Life After Cancer Advisory Committee to help others to move through their experiences with cancer.

Samantha Redsky

Samantha was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2008. She is currently entering her 12th year in remission. Samantha wanted to join the advisory committee because when she was newly in remission, she had no real place to turn to for advice to live her life again. She wanted to be able to give others the opportunity to feel less alone.
Samantha - Calgary
Aviva - Toronto

Aviva Rubin

Aviva was diagnosed with marginal zone lymphoma in 2016 and treated at the Odette Cancer Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where she continues to be monitored every six months. Aviva believes that patient and caregiver voices are critical to building the multitude of psycho-social supports that take us through and beyond cancer treatment and that patient perspectives will ensure a broad understanding of how cancer leaves those it touches forever changed.