

Showing 16 to 20 of 42 results
A graphical image containing a young woman hugging an older woman with the overlayed text "World Cancer Day, February 4th. Flash match one week only! Double your impact today.
World Cancer Day's theme – Close the Care Gap – is what the LLSC is all about: Helping to close the care gap for Canadians affected by a blood cancer.
Franziska Mey
Beyond the scope of our research grant opportunities, LLSC is pleased to have other opportunities to partner in co-funding research with like-minded organizations.
An infographic overview of statistics from the year in review.
While we will never say ‘mission accomplished’ until there is a cure for all blood cancers – we are happy to share our mission accomplishments in 2023
Holiday match opportunity
Until December 31, iA Financial Group, a longtime supporter of the blood cancer community, has committed to matching your donation 4 times, up to $100,000! For example, a donation of $100 will become $400, while a gift of $250 increases to $1,000!
Adam, shown in the short CBS video enjoying himself with wife Natasha and daughter Marquesa, now age 5.
Adam, of Toronto, is a blood and stem cell recipient who was diagnosed with leukemia two days after finding out he was going to become a father.

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