Tax extension alert: Give a gift before February 28, and claim your donation on your 2024 income tax return.

We understand that for some people living with a blood cancer, gaining access to the most effective and innovative treatments are sometimes hindered by drug pricing and drug approval policies.  

At the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada, we closely monitor healthcare related decisions and policies, and aim to bring the blood cancer community’s voices and experiences to as many consultative processes as possible. We hope that the stories from our blood cancer community will help shape important decision making in regard to drug availability and experiences in Canada.

We do this by developing submissions and collaborating with other organizations to provide input on drugs that are reviewed through the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies (CADTH) and Institut national d'excellence en santé et services sociaux (INESSS in Québec). The feedback will help these decision-making agencies make recommendations to the provinces and territories regarding funding for new drugs to treat blood cancers.  

In addition to working with organizations on drug input, We are also collaborating with other organizations to shape policies that help to improve access to treatment and care for all Canadians affected by cancer. 

Working together for a broader impact

Lymphoma Canada White Paper on Improving Access to Innovative Cancer Therapies in Canada 2021 Update
Lymphoma Canada White Paper on Improving Access to Innovative Cancer Therapies in Canada (2021 Update)
Letter to the Minister of Health
Letter to Minister of Health - Please pause PMPRB changes
 Letter to the prime minister
Letter to the Prime Minister - Protect our Access