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Text that reads "Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal / Revue canadienne de soin infirmiers en oncologie"

LLSC’s first publication in a medical journal

What an honour to be invited to publish in the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, and how exciting to see it in print in the Spring 2024 edition!

The article, authored by Nadine Prevost, business unit director, LLSC research and community services (shown here), is titled “Understanding the blood cancer experience in Canada to better provide support," discusses how the experience of being diagnosed and treated for a blood cancer is complex, with many deeply personal and difficult turning points for an individual and his or her family. They need personalized support across all aspects of their lives and for the duration of their cancer experience. 

The article, based on a manuscript developed for a symposium presentation given by Prevost at the 2023 annual CANO/ACIO conference, reviews the extensive quantitative and qualitative research (conducted by LLSC and a professional market research firm) of people with a blood cancer and their caregivers across Canada, with a secondary focus on healthcare professionals who work with people impacted by blood cancer.

Nadine Provost

As well as providing details on the key findings of that market research, Prevost’s article also discusses how the findings have been actualized at LLSC since the research project: expansion of services (such as peer support); simplifying information resources and extending them to videos and podcasts; adding advocacy and healthcare system navigational help; and more.

Read the full article here.