Displaying 51 - 60 of 584
What a year in the blood cancer community!
While we will never say ‘mission accomplished’ until there is a cure for all blood cancers – we are happy to share our mission accomplishments in 2023
Education, Events, Research
Blood cancer research extended further with LLSC partnerships
Beyond the scope of our research grant opportunities, LLSC is pleased to have other opportunities to partner in co-funding research with like-minded organizations.
Partners, Research
Myeloma Awareness Month: Dr. Hira Mian
This being Myeloma Awareness Month in Canada, we thought we’d shine a light on one of this country’s leading researchers of myeloma – specifically, multiple myeloma.
Events, Partners, Research, Myeloma
A tale of 2 Toms: Gift of life by stem cell donation, and the inspiration to share the story
When Rod Neander, of Calgary, Alberta, got to hug the man who saved his life, it was in fact the second young father named Tom in the Manchester, UK area who made a big impact in his blood cancer experience.
Stories, Volunteers, Leukemia, Treatment and side effects
First Connection Volunteer of the Year
As we do every year at this time, we highlight one English-speaking volunteer (and one French-speaking volunteer) for outstanding contributions to our First Connection peer support programs.
Events, Stories, Volunteers, Leukemia
Blood cancer quality of life research supported by Steele Auto Group
Great research takes solid funding; The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) is fortunate to the support of Steele Auto Group (SAG) headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
Events, Partners, Research
LLSC’s first publication in a medical journal
What an honour to be invited to publish in the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, and how exciting to see it in print in the Spring 2024 edition!
Media Mentions, Partners, Research
Mental health risks and blood cancers
Did you know that people affected by cancer experience at least double the prevalence of depression and anxiety than in the general population?* That’s not just at diagnosis or during cancer treatment. Even years after treatment, you or your loved one may struggle with cancer-…
Education, Mental health and wellness
Ottawa in-person ‘Blood Cancer Connect & Learn’
More than 70 people impacted by blood cancer attended an event in Ottawa on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at the Canada Science and Technology Museum.
Education, Events, Volunteers
CAPO 2024 Psychosocial oncology networking
LLSC Community Service Lead for Alberta, Desiree Naylor, recently attended the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO 2024) Conference – the first time the event has been held in Calgary in more than 20 years.
Events, Partners, Mental health and wellness